Short Sunday blast

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October 3, 2012 by Spitfire Bikes

Summer has almost past us by and I have not been out on my bike for a while. What with going on holiday, torrential rain and me not finding the time or energy to get out and ride. Yet last Sunday the sun was shining so I actually dragged my Full Susser out from under the stairs, threw it in the car and drove off to Upton Chainey, the Upton Inn, (just outside of Bristol on the way to Bath) for a much needed ride in the country. As usual a slow start, fettling with air pressures (tyres and shocks) the typical hunt around for all my clothes and shoes and general sleepiness from being woken up at least once in the night.

This is good ride and one I recommend to anyone looking for natural trails close to Bristol with technical climbing, a big descent and a couple of stream crosses thrown into the mix.
The ride starts with a long, slightly arduous assent on road  which gradually decays into gravel, rock then mud, at this point it becomes tricky as the gradient increases and the ground becomes less stable with large loose rocks and deep thick mud churned up by the farmers cattle. Keep your head down and focus on the trail ahead and it is definitely rideable. Look right for specacular view across to the Seven bridge. Once past this the track quickly flattens out and before you know it you’ve reached the road again after a quick blast through some woods.

From here cross the Axx and head across a field before the big descent of the ride. Before heading downhill be sure to take in the stunning country side. The descent starts off fairly flat and smooth, a little slippery this time of year, and gradually gets steeper with a few small steps, lots of ruts and some fits sized rocks towards the bottom. If you don’t have a large grin on your face at the bottom then maybe stick to the flat stuff in future.

its a bit of a slog from here on country lanes which seem to go up and up. before turning off and entering a farmer field for a well earned rest and a snack by the abandoned JCB. The next descent is a little more tricky and requires momentum with a sticky start and rocky entrance into the stream below.

From here it’s road for a while, small rolling hills, until turning right at an old painted sign for Beach. And then it’s downhill again crashing over fist sized rocks staying left as you go through the stream at the bottom to avoid the pipe and inevitable wet feet as you get stuck. then just follow the signs for Upton Chainey Back to the Upton Inn for a well earned Pint and packet of crisps. There is a second part to this ride that I will talk you through later.

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October 2012

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